Sacred Heart of Jesus Montessori School, a school with a big heart


SACRED Heart of Jesus Montessori School was launched as the First Montessori School in Cagayan de Oro last Sept. 25, 1982 by Dr. Preciosa S. Soliven (O.B. Montessori Center) currently the president of the Federation of Philippine Montessori Schools, Inc. and the Philippine Ambassador to UNESCO.

From its humble beginnings, SHJMS is at present one of the prestigious schools in Cagayan de Oro. It offers Montessori program patterned after Association Montessori Internationale (A.M.I.) U.S.A in which Mrs. Neri is a member. Mrs. Victoria B. Neri, the Managing Directress is a graduate of Association Montessori International (A.M.I.) Elementary Montessori Course in Montessori Institute of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

SHJMS is a reflection of Dr. Maria Montessori's vision and method. It emphasizes learning through all five senses making each discovery exciting leading to concentration, motivation, self-discipline and love of learning. Our school children learn at their own, individual pace. Under the guidance of a trained teacher in a special prepared environment and using carefully formulated Montessori materials, children are given the opportunity to learn in the best ways by discovery and give them the best possible foundation for life.

On its 29th year, SHJMS embarked on a strategic physical development program by refurbishing old structures such as classrooms, comfort rooms, laboratories, offices and others. All CASA classrooms are fully air-conditioned and new Montessori materials were acquired directly from leading international Montessori materials manufacturer in U.S.A.

An intensive administrators and faculty development program is also in place to ensure the continuing education of qualified and competent teachers who are all licensed professionals and are pursuing graduate courses in their specialized areas of concentration. Mrs. Victoria B. Neri is presently conducting a two (2) months In-House Montessori Training to all teachers to give them a share of the trainings she gained from her study in Montessori Institute of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

Today, SHJMS stands proud to be one of the leading schools in the community. Its strings of awards, trophies, commendations and recognitions received from various sectors are testament to its brilliance. No less than Msgr. Jesus B. Tuquib endorsed our membership to the Catholic Education Association of the Philippines (CEAP). At present, the school is on its first phase for the PAASCU accreditation. More than all these numerous accomplishments, what matters most to the SHJMS family is the continued respect, love and loyalty it enjoys from the larger community. Our school SHJMS is truly a school with a big heart to share, hence, it is named after the most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

(May 21, 2005 issue)